Transparency, attesting and quality - the key of the gate of "EU"!

CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union is the top exhibition industry organisation in Central East Europe for promoting transparency, reliability and real market-value of exhibition statistics. Transparent exhibition statistics is badly needed for right business and marketing decisions for exhibitors, visitors, trade associations alike. CENTREX members' exhibition statistics are fully compatible with European exhibition statistics and are annually published also as part of the pan-European Trade Fair and Exhibition Statistics Yearbook.

The present 9 members organise 187 exhibitions and trade fairs in 2001 and now CENTREX is capable to provide transparent basis for exhibitors and visitors covering about 70 per cent of the 4 countries' (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) exhibition business. (The latest (2000) exhibition statistics of the companies was already available in March this year.)

Over collecting and publishing statistical data a major step of this year is to upgrade the activity of CENTREX into joint promotion of the trade fairs as effective tool of face-to-face marketing communication. (a "social instrument of marketing") Based on similar challenges the members decided to identify opportunities and join efforts in competing with other marketing tools, to strengthen the acceptance of the trade fairs based on real market values. Possible ways can be informing each other of the best practice, of the market surveys and opinions, developing joint publications, marketing actions, upgrading web-site accordingly.

Framework of the latest Board of Directors of CENTREX the members organised seminar in Kielce Poland in June on the current state/prognosis of exhibition industry in Central East Europe and on best use of Internet opportunities to upgrade customer relationship management. CENTREX is renewing its web-site in the mark of CRM, as well.

CENTREX has also taken steps to follow the major European exhibition statistics "trendsetter" FKM Deutschland. In less then 1 month after FKM CENTREX has also adjusted her Statistics Regulation to be fully identical to the FKM latest streamlined regulation in calculating visitor season tickets.